Monday, March 29, 2010

Rough Draft of Chapter Three Complete!

I'm pretty excited about the pace at which I'm writing. I really owe it to the outline, thank you to Terry Brooks for the idea and Shawn Speakman for swearing by it, it's really helped me. This is the shortest chapter yet and will probably be one of the book's shortest, it only took so long because it was the first time I've written in this character's point-of-view and it took some time to feel him out. Chapter four is already under way so I better get back to it!

Friday, March 26, 2010

First Draft of Chapter Two Complete

I just finished up my first draft of chapter two! It's not as long as the first chapter nor is it as action-packed but it's a very good chapter for a bit of character development and good for introducing the reader to these characters.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Draft of Chapter One Complete

Knocked off my rough draft of Chapter One although I will no doubt have to go back and revise and improve it at least several times. It's a really fast-paced action filled chapter so I was able to write it fairly quickly. The plan is to start on Chapter Two later today, and then when I have the enitire thing written, go back and read it several times, editing as I go to make it as strong as possible.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Outline Complete

Well, I just finished outlining the book a few minutes ago and I'm confident that this is a story that people will enjoy and will leave them wanting more. My next step is to just jump right in and start writing the thing, which I'll do tomorrow. The final outline says the book will have thirty-eight chapters, though this could be subject to change of course. I'll be sure to keep updating as I go!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Book Project

As of right now, I'm in the beginning stages of a book project. I really like the story that I have, it has the potential to work as a stand alone book or as a springboard to an entire series. So where am I at now? I have realized that the reason I have never managed to see one of these projects through to completion is because I have been skipping a very important step at the beginning of the process: Outlining!

So I have begun outlining my story, chapter by chapter, hoping that having a nice frame to work within will prevent me from stalling and improve the quality of the story. If I know where I'm going from the beginning, it will limit the amount of things that I make up as I go and save myself a lot of work down the road. At this point, I have outlined twenty-two chapters and imagine that I will probably have about ten to twenty more. Once the outline is finished, I will jump right into writing the thing itself, and I'll be sure to keep you all posted on my progress as I go.

This is all there is to know about the story at this point:
- It has no title yet, and from what I hear, a book rarely keeps it's original title anyway.
- It falls into the adventure/fantasy genre, it involves a quest, danger, and self-discovery, all of the standard things you expect to find, along with a few twists of my own creation that make it unique.
- It will feature a fairly fast paced story with a good bit of action.

Well I should wrap this up and get back to the outlining so I can get this started, looking forward to posting here some more!



So basically I decided to start doing this as a way of driving myself a bit towards my career goals of being a writer. I figured if people are actually waiting to see what's going on next, that would help to motivate me through periods of writer's block and whatnot. So welcome and please keep me working!